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First Encounter with Pregnancy Alien Language

First Encounter with Pregnancy Alien Language

Although home pregnancy test may show a false negative (if you test it too soon), it rarely shows a false positive...But still, we went to the Raffles clinic at Raffles Hospital to get a pregnancy test to confirm. 


It was a public holiday and the clinic was packed. I found it difficult to sit still. When it's our turn to see the doctor, I was suddenly worried that I'd given Nils a false hope... 


My anxiety level increased when I could hardly understand what the doctor was saying...She was also questioning why we wanted to have the pregnancy test when I had barely missed my period...That irritated me further... 😀


Anyway, they took my blood samples...I was surprised that it's a blood test only. Thought it would be something more sophisticated πŸ˜…


When we were shopping in Orchard waiting for the result, the doctor called Nils. As Nils pressed his phone to his ear and listened intently, my heart was pounding very hard like it's going to burst...


So, the message we got was that...the "HCG level" was around 2,500......Which according to her was "a bit low" but it's pregnant alright................


That left me feeling very uneasy...As usual I had a lot of questions when I'm worried...So we started googling in the middle of the busy mall.

"What is HCG?"

"How much is normal?"

"What happens if the HCG level is low?"

"If the HCG level is 2,500, does it mean pregnant???" 


From what we read, HCG is a pregnancy hormone...It seems that the range can be quite big. Also, what matters is not the absolute number but whether it doubles every 48-72 hours during early pregnancy. 


Okay...I felt better. 😌 

I am pregnant and we're going to have a baby! Β 


Since then, we've been reading a lot of pregnancy related materials. Learning the pregnancy alien language every day. 


P.S. The photo was taken at the Trick Eye museum in Sentosa around the time of conception. ☺️ 

First Maternity Tour

First Maternity Tour

The Beginning

The Beginning