Family photo shootings
Everyone has one life, one long and eventful story that should be captured, shared and celebrated. Especially when you have children, you realize how quickly things change. They grow up so quickly, their faces change and all the unique and precious moments never come back.
Our daughter is only 1.5 years old but looking back at photos from her first few weeks, I can't believe that this is how she looked like and I am eternally grateful that we captured every single day in Olivia's life.
Olivia after we brought her home from the hospital
Olivia 17 months and around 30,000 photos later.
Children really do grow up way too fast. We all would like to freeze time but since that is impossible (so far), the next best thing is to preserve your memories in photographs. Looking at a photo years later will bring you right back to that moment.
Capture those important moments like birthdays, first days in school and the first time those cute baby feet hit the sand. And if you haven’t figured out how to work your camera, don’t hesitate to hire a photographer for important moments. 20 years down the road, you won’t regret having spent some money. GOOD PHOTOS MATTER!!!