Masai Mara III - Great Migration
Honeymoon - Day 4
It's our third and last day of safari in Masai Mara. Today was even more exciting than yesterday! The first thing we came across was a cheetah preying on a gazelle. The guide said cheetahs can go up to 120km/h, but gazelles can only run up to 70km/h.
My heart sank after hearing this because it's like there's no chance for the gazelle to escape. As if he's read my mind, he continued to explain that cheetahs can only run at the max speed for 5 minutes - the heart would burst if they don't stop. That's a bit of consolation...
After a minute or two, the cheetah started to move towards the gazelle. The poor gazelle still completely didn't know what was coming.
Cheetah in action
Then, in a split second...Ouch! The gazelle fell down on its back...It all happened so quickly...!
The cheetah didn't immediately enjoy his prize, but stayed alert and looked around cautiously as if it's worried about something.
Apparently it couldn't eat in peace because there's a considerable amount of hyenas around, and they may appear any time to steal its food. The nature is so interesting...everyone has its own strengths and weaknesses.
It's time that we move on. After driving for a minute, we saw a hyena...
Safari @ Masai Mara National Reserve
In the rest of the day, we saw crocodiles resting by the river, hippos arguing, wildebeest struggling to cross the river, and young lions waiting for their mom to come back.
Crocodiles...they looked very fake 😄
Hippos arguing
Having heated conversation...
One of them gave in and went into the river
Ha! They look so much skinner like this. Btw, they really stink 😖
Watched wildebeest risking their lives to cross the river
Reached the other side safely
It's such a moving scene to see them migrate
This marks the boarder of Tanzania and Kenya. T stands for Tanzania and K stands for Kenya.
Leopard standing on the tree
Very sleepy 😴
Young lions waiting for their mom to come back
I'm so attracted to Masai Mara! It has diversified wildlife and beautiful landscape. The people here seem to be very mindful of the environment as well. I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to experience my first safari here 😊
Masai Mara National Reserve